Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Machiavelli Thucydides comparison - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 3134 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/07/08 Category People Essay Level High school Topics: Niccolo Machiavelli Essay Did you like this example? Many are familiar with gripping and entertaining series such as the political drama House of Cards, or films such as Hunger Games, or literary works such as Game of Thrones. Few are able to see the parallels presented before them in every day sports, news media, politics, and entertainment. Real life dramas are being played out on the world stage, and no media business model (liberal or conservative) is missing out on the ability to shape and direct the public conversation. Contrary to our favorite fictional depictions of diplomacy, espionage, warfare and propaganda, todays nations face obstacles, and deploy strategies described by the likes of Thucydides and Machiavelli. What follows is an analytical comparison of the writings and philosophies of Thucydides and Machiavelli, and how their prescribed techniques in diplomacy, warfare, and governance have been used to maintain the order of a state. (Betts, 1994) Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Machiavelli Thucydides comparison" essay for you Create order Thucydides Melian Dialogues The leaders of Melos faced a grave choice: Sacrifice their countrymen as free men or live as slaves. During the War, they had signed a treaty of peace and friendship; however, this treaty did not fill the gaps in trust that existed between them. Each feared the others hegemonic pursuits and sought to increase its power to thwart the subversion, each power willed to strengthen itself and weaken its rival. This struggle for hegemony by Athens and Sparta was felt most by small, psuedo-independent states like Melos. Despite being one of the few island colonies of Sparta, Melos had remained neutral in the struggle between Sparta and Athens. Melian neutrality was unacceptable to the Athenians who arrived in Melos to pressure it into submission. In the face of Athenian superiority the Melians argued that by the law of nations they had the right to remain neutral, and no nation had the right to attack without provocation. Having been a free state for several hundred years, there was no conce ivable option to give up that sovereignty. (Betts, 1994) To allow the weaker Melians to remain free, according to the Athenians, would reflect negatively on Athenian power. Destroy, do not maim as Machiavelli would suggest. Aware of their weak position, the Melians hoped that the justice of their cause would gain them the support of the gods. WWND? (What would Niccolo do?) Niccolo Machiavelli argued that we ought not think politicians are simply immoral or bad for lying and maneuvering. A good politician is not one who is friendly, honest, and kind. It is someone, however occasionally dark and nefarious they might be, knows how to defend, enrich, and bring honor to the state, which is also an extremely important goal. Being nice may well be a virtue in general, but what citizens most need from their rulers is effectiveness, which may call upon some darker techniques. Once we understand this basic requirement, we stand to be less disappointed by our politicians. Machiavelli came upon his ideas during the time when the Medici Family experienced their upheaval and then eventual return to power. (Britannica, 2016) Over a few decades he was a diplomat, general, and exile; a failed politician. Posterity pays homage to Machiavellis works in ?The Prince where he justifies the use of the most heinous techniques to accomplish a more stable social and political e nvironment. Machiavelli described a central problem to politics that is evident as much now as it was in his time; it is near impossible to be a good politician and a good person in the traditional western sense. Machiavelli proposed that the overwhelming responsibility of a good prince is to defend the state from and internal threats to stable governments. A prince must know how to quarrel while preserving his reputation in the eyes of those around him. The people should not think him a pushover, but they should not be disgusted by an overwhelming use of violence and cruelty. A prince should be unapproachably strict, but reasonable. While it may be ideal for a leader to be both loved and obeyed, a prince should always lean toward inspiring terror, fear keeps people in line. Machiavelli asked his readers to dwell on the incompatibility between Christian ethics and good governance. Nice guys in politics are the first to be sacrificed. Virtue requires wisdom, strategy, strength, bravery, and when necessary heartlessness, ruthlessness. Machiavelli also describes criminal virtue, wherein lies a paradox of the necessary ability of leaders to be cruel in order to preserve the state. WHILE maintaining status as good leaders. Any violence must be necessary for the security of the state. It must be done swiftly, often at night. It should never be exploited too often, so as not to develop a noticeable pattern for senseless brutality. Cesare Borgia knew how to be tough, but not too tough. Borgia employed mercenaries to bring order to his conquered terroritories, and it often involved swift and brutal tactics. (Orwin, 2013) Borgia would remains of the very mercenaries he employed to carry out his terror campaigns in the city center as a reminder. Borgia, a true Prince by Machiavellis criteria, would later cut taxes, provide a surplus of food and grains, and amplify the arts and festivals to revive the peoples spirits. (Orwin , 2013) The Catholic Church banned Machiavellis words for two centuries because of how honest he was about Christian virtues not aligning with good leadership. Machiavellis insights reach across ideologies and are important because we must accept that we cannot be good at, or for, all things. Not just because of our limited resources and abilities, but also because of conflicts within moral codes and ethos systems. If not politics or business, military, or something so engrained as family development in a proper home environment; we are ALL faced with difficult decisions. Ethical agreements or trade offs. A leader ignores feelings or hardships of certain subordinates to keep the status quo, to keep business as usual at the micro level. Machiavelli focuses our attention on the uncomfortable tension between trying to maintain a relationship with effectiveness and niceness. Thucydides, Machiavelli, and how their principles relate to the current the current security environment faced by the nations of the world in the modern era Idealists believe that human beings are naturally altruistic, and questions of morality ought to be a primary consideration of forming the policies of the state. Idealists are not pacifists; Melos chose the most honorable and symbolically sacrificial of terms. Athens was motivated by the maintenance and acquisition of power. Machiavelli agrees there are successful princely moves to be made with virt, however criminal virtue will likely triumph. Ultimately the victory of realism over idealism or vice versa, depends on the military strength of the states that embrace each theory. However, just to provide some context, in World War II, idealism achieved a victory over realism because the allied powers (motivated by moral sentiments) possessed military superiority over Axis Powers (motivated by acquisition of power). Or so history has written. History has demonstrated that the victory of one theory over the other is dependent on the military strength of the states in conflict, The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must. (Betts, 1994) The international relations between the United States and China currently reflect how rising powers flex their expanding power, and it puts fear in the ruling powers faced with staving off a hegemonic rise to power. During a trip to China in the Summer of 2015, I had the opportunity of hearing from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing, professors at the Beijing Foreign Studies University in the capital, and political scientists and researches at a pair of think tanks in Shanghai. I left with the understand of five paradoxes faced by China and their hegemonic rise; China is a centralized authority with a de-centralized government. A party-state with one ruling party seen in the Communist Part of China, there is centralized decision-making but little autonomy in the local governments. Leadership positions such as provincial governors, municipal mayors, and legislators are not elected, but appointed. While decision-making is centralized , governance is decentralized, especially on the fiscal side. Local governments in China are compared to unfounded mandates in the United States. Basically, you will accept this selection or decision because the consequences of not doing so is a direct loss of funds to programs that sustain the community. Local governments fill gaps by borrowing with land sales as primary source of revenue (Chinas GDP growth was dubbed in country as land sale, straight from Chinas own Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this is their narrative to Honor Students from every major university, fraternity, and honors society from around the w orld). This has led to local governments and developers forcing residents to sell. China is a de facto federal system that pretends to be unitary. The Peoples republic of China embraces the idea of One nation, many nationalities; and they prefer to use nationalities instead of ethnicity despite the vast expanse of China being home to a number of different ethnic backgrounds and cultures, especially along its enormous border. Of the 56 nationalities in China, they do not consider their state a nation-state, however their sharpest minds and diplomatic officials agree acknowledge they pretend to be a nation as it enforces their party rhetoric. That being said, it is not entirely unlikely China runs into some of the same issues as the former Soviet Union. ( I think they may move past those problems with relative ease) China is an authoritarian state with a liberal society. It has become increasingly liberal since Mao opened its doors to the west for trade. Liberalization occurs hand in hand with economic reforms because of the exposure to the outside world. Since opening the avenues for trade and commercial prosperity China has seen extraordinary growth coupled with unsustainable development. The dark side to Chinas break-neck economic growth include environmental degradation, appalling inequality, corruption, over investment (Soon, J.C, 2014), and the the rural urban divide; while china has cities of millions, most of its population consisted of rural agrarian people who have constantly faced being displaced by attempts to balance out the disparity. China does little to hide the fact that the state has become predatory vice developmental; some economic challenges China faces in the not so distant future are listed, but not limited to: domestic consumption of its (as of 2015) 999,000+ population., property rights, state-owned giant corporations, welfare networks, aging population, and energy supply. China has become a global actor, if not a global power. China is well aware they pose a threat with their growing military, their tensions with the United States which include maritime disputes, as well as their relationships with non-democratic countries. Chinas own cultural offensive is that nobody can become Chinese, and it asserts that they will continue to rise despite the argument that the rise of China inevitable leads to conflict with status quo powers. Such a pattern in dilemmas has been seen throughout history sixteen times, and twelve of those sixteen saw warfare with extreme sacrifice of human resources. It is from studying these paradoxes that one may observe both United States and Chinese governments are unprepared to view their relationship, historically, outside of a narrative that depicts a weak China and China takes great offense to that assertion. The Chinese Dream is that of a Chinese Nation, the American Dream is that of the prosperity of the individual for the greater good of the Nation. It is not easy for Americans to conceive of Chinas determination toward that dream because much of Chinas international development has been carried out in secret. (The dragons gift Africa Chinas Second continent). Some common grounds between U.S. and China can be found in bi-lateral trade investment treaties, and both sides are restructuring their economies, pushing reform on many fronts. China and the U.S. share mutual corporate respect for the most part. The reason why the poorest parts of America can shop at places like Wal-Mart so affordably is because of trade deals with China and subsidies where the government acquires cheap goods, while China siphons American dollars. At the risk of over-generalizing, Western consumption has essentially turned China into one giant sweatshop and China will use that astronomic growth to propel itself past any world super power. Recall President Obamas APEC summit visit. China had hopes for the two sides to put aside differences to make the visit successful, seeing how the U.S. is the #3 export to China and the #1 importer of Chinese goods. There are more U.S. students in China than in any other nation. Despite the strong indication of shared interests, China is sensitive to interference from outside countries. The U.S. has a justifiable reason to put pressure on China, if only for their environmental issues and economic development. It knows all too well as Chinas #1 importer of goods, the U.S. recognizes its role in demanding such industry. China claims it is making great efforts to reduce pollution. Population growth hinders a speedy progress but China feels progress is being made. All those factors considered, the United States will work to uphold its good guy status on the world stage, while China will do everything it can to maintain its rise to power. Both states understand the potential loss to human life should they not come to peaceful agreement. The Rise of China, U.S. China relations; Glimpses of Machiavelli and Thucydides in this modern day geopolitical dilemma; When Kissinger and Nixon initiated their own dialogues with China, the U.S. was trying to fit what was going on in Vietnam into a greater concept; Nixon decided not to talk about the past but to talk about what needed to be done; Mao agreed. We have an entirely different history, to the U.S.; foreign policy is based on how to manage the relation of sovereign states that are considered equal to each other. The Chinese do not believed foreign policy is based on the adjustment of differences among equals; they believe foreign policy is sorted out through a hierarchical set of relationships. (Allison, G.T., 2017) The Ministry of Ceremonies handled the beginning of the 20th century in China; assigning a stamp to each country which defined the degree of its tributary relationship to China, never a conversation simply between equals. The first British Would-be ambassador arrived in China circa 1790s with the agreement to have emissaries who would be treated kindly, but would have to wear Chinese clothes, live in a Chinese house, and never be permitted to leave the country. The challenge faced by the Unites States is that they have never had to deal with a country of equal strength on a permanent basis. For the U.S., designing a grand strategy that relates priorities to each other is a new effort. For the Chinese, the problem is also power. The Chinese Dream goals imply that by the 100th anniversary of the Peoples Republic of China (2049), they will be equal to the most powerful country in the world, whoever it may be. They have conceived a strategy that has created a sense of order and hierarchy, rarely using force. The Chinese have never thought of conquest in the sense that they need to possess something. In fact, part of outside concern in the South China Sea is because China is making its own islands, presumably for military purposes. (Allison, G.T., 2017) Right now there are two trends in China, one group of people think the United States has had it and is declining, therefore there are people whose interest it is to stave off Chinese encroachment of hegemony. That there will be a war with the United States and should be prepared. There is another view framed, that the potential for global war and the consequences of using weapons of mass destruction and cyber warfare techniques are so grand that it will leave the world devastated if only for this eras version of a Great Depression, a reset, a New World Order. Kissinger suggests that we have what he calls, ?Co-evolution; that we both do our thing but try to be coordinated enough, at a minimum, to avoid war. To have regular dialogues in order to instruct each other. Two cases emerge from my perspective; The South China Sea is a security problem for a China that wants to keep the American navy as far away from Chinese shores as they can. Part of the intractability, are the different perceptions of history. There was a Chinese emperor 300 hundred years ago, he looked across the sea and said to himself, everything to the next landfall belongs to China. (Allison, G.T., 2017) Having known nothing about the magnitude of the sea or maritime history. There was no international law about the Sea. It was a mystery across recorded history at that time. The United States, in its attempt to be pre-emptive says, the Chinese see it one way, we make different claims, lets have arbitration. Arbitration, where in disagreement, two parties bring in a disinter ested third party in attempts to find resolution. Such a measure seems perfectly reasonable to the United States, however to China they see it as having to negotiate by giving up something that they have possessed for at least three centuries. There is a fundamental issue with the freedom of the seas. The Chinese believe it is their right to determine who passes through the South China Sea and how, and they say they shall permit the U.S. through those water ways. It is the United States contention that passage on the sea is not dependent on Chinese permission. The United States top leaders feel we have to have an international rule, and that China must agree to that. The hopes are that some practical accommodation will be found that divides the islands. The more crises that arise from dividing up the South China Seas islands, the closer the United States and China become to the described Thucyidides Trap. Another American concern appears to be Chinas One Belt, One Road, and it is difficult to stop because it is not a military plan. (Meltzer, J.P., 2017) Its a combination of strategic and economic infrastructure projects all over Central Asia, for example, a fast rail, high-speed railway to Europe, projects that organically links territories. Some in the U.S. are in favor of joining OBOR in order to get a voice in it. The U.S. refuses to get on board. Thucydides and Machiavelli might agree, the afformentioned hegemons face obstacles, and deploy strategies described by the likes of Thucydides and Machiavelli in hopes that the gods will favor their ventures. Sacrifices are made, rituals are carried out, symbols are upheld to the highest honor and degree in order to make the most powerful impact on the global population.

Monday, December 23, 2019

A Responsibility Of Business Society A Review And Issues...

Research Paper on A Responsibility of Business to society: A Review and issues Abstract: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a concept that has been around for well over 50 years, has become prominent again recently. Peter Utting (2005) notes that an increasing number of transnational corporations (TNCs) and large domestic companies, supported by business and industry associations, are adopting a variety of so-called voluntary CSR initiatives that incorporate, for example, ‘codes of conduct; measures to improve environmental management systems and occupational health and safety; company ‘triple bottom line’ reporting on financial, social, and environmental aspects; participation in certification and labeling schemes; dialogue with stakeholders and partnerships with NGOs and UN agencies; and increased support for community development projects and programes’. The revival of CSR is reflected also in its recent prominence in public debate. CSR has also generated a very extensive literature in recent times. For example, a search on Google Scholar for the phrase ‘corporate social responsibility’ produced 12,500 citations. A more general search of the internet on Google for the phrase ‘corporate social responsibility’ produced 12,900,000 results. A general search for the phrase ‘corporate social responsibility’ on Australian sites produced 97,800 hits. This research paper is a conceptual paper regarding CSR consists the introduction, historical background of CSR, argumentsShow MoreRelatedHow Businesses Can Incorporate Csr Into Their Business Model1619 Words   |  7 PagesTopic: Describe ways businesses can incorporate CSR into their business model. Introduction: Many large corporations are taking corporate social responsibility into account and making it a part of their everyday schedule. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Pandukabhaya (437 Bc †367 Bc) Free Essays

Pandukabhaya (437 BC – 367 BC) was King of Upatissa Nuwara and the first monarch of the Anuradhapura Kingdom and 6th over all of the island of Sri Lanka since the arrival of the Vijaya, he reigned from 437 BC to 367 BC. According to many historians and philosophers, he is the first truly Sri Lankan king since the Vijayan invasion, and also the king who ended the conflict between the Sinha clan and local community, reorganizing the populace. His story is one wrapped in myth and legend. We will write a custom essay sample on Pandukabhaya (437 Bc – 367 Bc) or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are three prevailing opinions on his origin. In the Mahavansa, his mother is Umaddha Citta and father is Digha Gamini, both of Aryan origin Kumarathunga Munidasa’s opinion is that his father is Chittharaja. He has no affiliation to the Aryan dynasty. He is a local hero. [edit]The second ruler The second ruler of Sri Lanka was King Panduvasudeva, the nephew of Vijaya. Panduvasudeva married Baddha-Kacchayana, an extremely beautiful princess from India. The couple had ten sons, the eldest of whom was named Abhaya, and one daughter named Chitra. When a sage prophesied that Chitra would bear a son who would kill nine of his uncles and claim the throne, nine of Chitra’s brothers told King Panduvasudeva to have her killed. However, Abhaya would not allow it and Chitra was spared. She married a prince named Digha-Gamini (who, incidentally, was her cousin) and had a son, who was named Pandukabhaya. [edit]The exchange of babies Chitra and Digha-Gamini had been made aware of the prophesy at the time of their marriage and had promised to put to death any son that Chitra gave birth to. However, once Pandukabhaya was born, Chitra was unwilling to kill the infant, and so she decided to exchange babies with another woman who had given birth to a baby girl that same day. Chitra announced to her father and husband that she had given birth to a girl. Only her mother, Baddha-Kacchayana, knew of the secret exchange. The woman who gave up her daughter took Prince Pandukabhaya to a nearby village called Dvaramandalaka where he would be brought up as a herdsman’s son. [edit]The attempts on Pandukabhaya’s life The first threat to Pandukabhaya’s life came while he was being transported to Dvaramandalaka. The woman who had exchanged infants with Chitra carried Prince Pandukabhaya to the village in a covered basket. Unfortunately, she ran into nine of Chitra’s brothers (the ones who had wanted their sister to be murdered for fear that her child would kill them). They asked her what she had in the basket and she replied that it contained food. Not satisfied with the answer, they asked her to open up the basket and show them its contents. Luckily, two wild boars happened to run past them, and they forgot about the basket in their eagerness to hunt the animals down. The baby was delivered to the herdsman safely. That same year, King Panduvasudeva died and Abhaya became his successor. He was not a great king, but he was certainly a kind one and he was well-loved, especially by the poor. Several years went by and when Pandukabhaya was about seven years old, rumours reached his nine uncles about a boy in Dvaramandalaka who supposedly was a herdsman’s son, but who showed all signs of being of royal background. They suspected that this child may be their sister’s son, because they had reason to believe that the little girl who was being brought up as a princess in the palace was not Chitra’s daughter. They sent out people to kill all boys in the village who were around the same age as their nephew. It was known that all the boys of Dvaramandalaka bathed at a certain pond, and it was planned that they should be killed while they were bathing. The plan was executed and several young children were murdered. Pandukabhaya, however, had been hiding at the time, and so he escaped death. While Pandukabhaya’s uncles were satisfied at the time that they had eliminated their nephew, some years later they became suspicious again when they heard stories of a village boy who looked more like a prince than a herdsman’s son. They attempted to have him killed again, and the attempt failed once more. When Pandukabhaya was about sixteen years old, Princess Chitra, fearing for her son’s safety, arranged to have him live with a Brahman named Pandula. Once he was old enough to become king, Pandukabhaya left Pandula, married his cousin Pali and fought his uncles to claim his right to the throne. Eight of his ten uncles perished in the war, which lasted for seventeen years. Abhaya, who had never fought against Pandukabhaya, and Girikandasiva, who was Pali’s father, were not killed. Pandukabhaya was a good king and reigned over Sri Lanka for seventy years, leaving the country in a prosperous state when he die How to cite Pandukabhaya (437 Bc – 367 Bc), Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Conflict/Negotiations Scenario Analysis free essay sample

In 2002, while working as a human resources representative for the Benefits Department, the department was faced with some issues as our director was forced to leave the organization due to a personal conflict with the human resource executive director. After the director left the department had no direction and the only support the human resource team had was the immediate supervisor. Unfortunately, for everyone including the supervisor, the executive director was targeting everyone that had ever worked with our former director. With the above mentioned, our supervisors title changed as needed on a daily basis. For example, if the need prevailed for benefits expertise and knowledge then she would be placed back in her position otherwise she would be treated as one of the representatives. This became an emotional roller coaster for everyone involved as we did not feel supported and was very confused. Meanwhile, the executive director decided to name the payroll manager interim director to the Benefits Department which made thing worse literally. We will write a custom essay sample on Conflict/Negotiations Scenario Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It became evident that this person had no benefits knowledge which meant she made our jobs so difficult by pressing on unimportant issues and bending rules. However, the benefits staff tried to work with the interim director and explain to her how things worked on our side but it was useless. As a result of the conflicts of no support from the interim director, several staff members filed grievances against both the executive director and the interim director. The staff members filed several motions which were met with extreme retaliation which required the involvement of the Employee Relations Department. Instead of the Employee Relations Department remaining neutral and trying to mediate the situation they too worked against the department. It was brought to our attention that two members of our department were working against us. These two employees were providing information to the interim director, executive director and the Employee Relations Board because they were promised that no disciplinary action would be taken against them if they cooperated. Essentially, form the time the benefits staff filed the final step of the grievance and met with the Chancellor it had been at least a month when guidelines warranted 10 days for the dispute process. The entire process was a sham because none of the people involved bothered to assist us. The problem should have been resolved in the first step of the process at the immediate supervisor level. No amicable solution was found because the executive director decided to reorganize the department and replace the entire staff with temporary employees. Needless to say, this was a bad experience. All employees involved were plagued with accusation and all were reassigned to other positions within the company. I believe that things would have been different if we had people that knew how to do their jobs. It could have been taken care of if they had compromised and learn procedures and more about our job function. Through the use of alternative dispute resolution we could have been able to reach a consensus and ultimately share the same goal. Unfortunately, many of the people working for my employer were there to receive a paycheck only and did not care about the organization. These people are the typical yes sir type and have no moral values or ethics. Since then there have been many employees that have filed grievances and actually had success in the system however, a few were not successful and lost their jobs. Finally, as I was researching this paper, I learned that the organization was investigated by the state for how they handle conflicts. The state recommended the use of alternative dispute resolution. This has become an ongoing training process for the HR department to train employees and department heads. Conclusion Conflict in the workplace can happen at any time for a number of reasons. How the conflict is handled and resolved determines whether the outcome with be beneficial.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Homeostasis Is a Central Theme In Animal Physiology Essay Example

Homeostasis Is a Central Theme In Animal Physiology Essay Homeostasis is the name given to the process that allows optimum conditions to be regulated in the body. This regulation of the internal environment must be independent of external environmental constraints. In humans this process is controlled by almost all of the bodily systems but mainly by the endocrine, respiratory and renal systems. Homeostasis therefore allows an organism to live in habitats that are not ideally suited to the internal environment, because, only in favourable conditions will the organism thrive. This allows the organism to in an environment not best suited to its internal functioning but in conditions which may be favourable for foraging etc. a prime example are fish, a fresh water fish lives in an environment which in definition is more dilute than within its internal environment, sea water fish on the other hand live in a environment where its surroundings are more alkali than its internal environment. The need for homeostasis can be traced to the cellular level, as cells interact with their immediate environment (either via cellular communication, signal proteins, expulsion of ion, and uptake of ions). We will write a custom essay sample on Homeostasis Is a Central Theme In Animal Physiology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Homeostasis Is a Central Theme In Animal Physiology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Homeostasis Is a Central Theme In Animal Physiology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It is this communication, which ultimately leads to a change in the external environment. Right to the organ level or tissue organisation were for example the expulsion of urea changes the blood pH and osmolarity. These internal changes are countered by the excretion of hormones etc, (these substances share 4 main structural forms. Amines, steroids, prostaglandin and peptides) which start a chain reaction to nullify the change these hormones are either secreted via ducts (exocrine system) or directly into the blood stream, (endocrine system). Homeostasis therefore is controlled by many systems, and although complex, many multi organ physiological mechanisms help regulate in many ways. However the theory of an internal environment wasnt recognised until a French physiologist Claude Bernard in 1872 put forward the idea of a constant internal environment stating, 1Constancy of the internal environment is the condition of free life. It is however important to remember that the regulation of an internal environment does not only concern body temperature but also such things as blood pH [H+], Blood glucose concentration, osmotic potential etc. All of these systems must be regulated in some how to maintain this internal environment, this regulatory system relies on a feedback system, which can be illustrated in a simple diagram (figure 1. 1). Figure 1. 1 clearly shows the system of negative feedback this is where in essence an off signal (in one of the structural forms mentioned). Is sent from the hypothalamus to stop the process and therefore retain a homeostatic condition. This feedback system allows homeostasis to be regulated almost automatically. This negative feedback however can sometimes go wrong. A prime and well-documented case of this is diabetes. When blood glucose levels increase above a threshold limit the endocrine system (stimulated via the hypothalamus) activates the pancreas, this then secretes a hormone called insulin which this accelerates the uptake of blood glucose into storage molecules of glycogen (especially in the liver) and fat molecules. However if this uptake of sugar is not regulated enough then absorption of sugar will continue and the blood glucose level drops the result is glaucoma and ultimately death. This leads to the conclusion that glaucoma is the result of a breakdown in the homeostatic system and therefore a breakdown of blood glucose regulation. Homeostasis however is not only controlled by the hypothalamus, hormones which are produced by the hypothalamus to regulate homeostasis, are regulated by neurohormones, which are secreted by specialised nerve cells called neurosecretory cells. These cells which are found in the hypothalamus. These regulate the secretion of various glandular hormones from the non-neural anterior pituitary gland. These neurohormones are different to the hormones secreted by the hypothalamus as they target direct tissues (with relation to hormone structure and function). These specific neurosecretory cells are located in the anterior hypothalamus, these also demonstrate the diversity found within an organ, which allows this process to be self regulated. But homeostasis is not only regulated by internal bodily systems but also external structural/environmental conditions, an example environmental control is that of heat transference, As all metabolic reactions produce heat sometimes this heat would build up in the body, this would have devastating consequences on bodily functions such as the functioning of enzymes as after a certain temperature these become permanently de natured and unable to function, So when the body over heats, the hypothalamus sends a signal to the sweat glands which are located in the epidermal layer of the skin to produce sweat. This sweat then evaporates taking the heat energy with it. Therefore reducing the body temperature and maintaining homeostasis, the skeletal structure is an example of a structural way of controlling homeostasis. This is mainly due to the composition of skeletal bone. As skeletal bone is comprised mainly of calcium this can act as a calcium reserve. there are times in the homeostatic cycle when this calcium needs to be metabolised from bone tissue for use by other systems, e. . Calcium is very important for normal muscle functioning, therefore calcium ion concentration must be kept at a correct level in the surrounding blood and tissue fluids, the consequences of a breakdown in this regulation would lead to changes in the calcium ion concentration leading to a compromise in muscle activity, it is in this way that the skeletal system helps regulate homeostasis. The conclusion of this is that homeostasis is essential to a living organism and is in essence self regulated by a complex system of feedback loops regulated by many organ systems however these regulatory systems sometimes go wrong and need external assistance be this injecting hormones, taking advantage of environmental conditions, i. e. basking in the sun (lizards), panting (dogs, etc).

Monday, November 25, 2019

Words to Describe Degrees of Religiosity

Words to Describe Degrees of Religiosity Words to Describe Degrees of Religiosity Words to Describe Degrees of Religiosity By Maeve Maddox With the topic of religion so much in the air, writers may have use for adjectives to describe various degrees of religious feeling and behavior. The following words have other meanings, but here the focus is on their use to describe people. religious dedicated to religious practice; observant practitioner of a particular religion. The word derives from Latin, possibly the verb religare, to tie back. The word may carry negative connotations for individuals, (Bill Maher, for example), but in general it is a good all-purpose word, in itself neither positive nor negative. pious in earlier writers, pious was used in a positive sense of loyalty to religion, family, and those things for which a person might be expected to feel reverence. Current usage tends to tinge the word with hypocrisy. Ex. His pious remarks about family values concealed the fact that he was sleeping with his neighbors wife. godly pleasing to God. One speaks of a godly person or a godly life. The negative, ungodly, is often used as a term of contempt by religious people to describe anything contrary to their beliefs. fervent derives from a Latin word meaning to boil or to be very hot. A fervent person is one that feels very intensely about a subject. The subject does not need to be religious in nature. One can be a fervent Catholic, or a fervent environmentalist. Or both. zealous This adjective derives from the noun Zealot. The Zealots were members of the sect that worked to drive the Romans out of Palestine during the First Century. They were fanatics who resorted to assassination and other acts of terrorism that eventually resulted in the destruction of the Temple and the expulsion of the Jews from Jerusalem. Zealous, therefore, can carry the sense of intense fanaticism that will stop at nothing to promote its cause. devout from the verb devote, to set apart. The word connotes a sense of consecration. A devout person practices religion from genuine feeling of reverence for the object of worship. sanctimonious Until the 1800s, this word had a positive connotation. It derives from the Latin word for holy. A sanctimonious life could be one that reflects good deeds and devout religious observance. In current usage, however, sanctimonious carries the sense of hypocrisy. Indeed, a common expression is sanctimonious hypocrite. A sanctimonious person is like the Pharisee who prays and gives alms in public so that everyone can admire him for it. A sanctimonious person is always reminding people of their shortcomings. fanatic This word, which also gives us the word fan as in movie fan, comes from Latin fanaticus which had a religious sense. A fanum was a temple where sometimes very wild manifestations of devotion took place. For example, worshippers inspired to a frenzy by the god might cut themselves. A fanatic therefore, is out of control, at least as regards a particular subject. Winston Churchill defined a fanatic as someone who cant change his mind and wont change the subject. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About NumbersHang, Hung, Hangedâ€Å"Least,† â€Å"Less,† â€Å"More,† and â€Å"Most†

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Exercise & Activitiy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Exercise & Activitiy - Assignment Example After classes, I played basketball for one hour before taking a walk for another mile. I also used a skipping rope and did aerobic dancing for one hour each. I appreciate the importance of physical activities because I have successfully managed to keep obesity at bay, something that other people have not been able to. I need to keep myself as fit as possible, therefore, I use all available opportunities to exercise myself. I also found time to assist my parents with household chores and this has made them to be proud of me. Today, my meals were almost similar to yesterday. However, there was some difference today because I needed to balance the nutrients out. I had little vitamins yesterday, so today I endeavored to compensate for the short today. My lunch today included some cucumbers and okra. I also took two oranges and three sweet bananas. However, this increased my calorie intake. Consequently, I had to do more physical exercises today. After classes, I went swimming for a whole hour, expending more than 400 calories. This was in addition to playing basketball and doing aerobics. I also watched TV in the evening, and afterwards assisted my mother to wash the utensils after dinner. We chatted for half an hour before retiring to bed. I also learnt that God intends us to keep our bodies healthy. Our bodies are the temples of God. Even as I endeavor to keep obesity at bay, I also need to put God into consideration. I, therefore, have to maintain positive behavior that promotes good health. I have learnt to appreciate and respect my body, keeping in mind that it is my greatest and most precious resource. Today, my breakfast consisted of the eggplant, cheese and tomato sauce. I had two servings which equal to about 388 calories. I had tuna casserole with vegetables and mushroom soup for a total of 762 calories (2 cups). For supper, I maintained the mushroom soup, which is a favorite of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Documentary film Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Documentary film - Movie Review Example I thought that Ben Bernanke and Henry Paulson were correct in wanting to prevent institutions such as Behr Sterns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Lehman Brothers from going bankrupt. It appeared that if one financial institution was allowed to fail than a domino effect would begin to occur. In many cases, that did begin to happen when there was a refusal to bail out Lehman Brothers. When Lehman Brothers failed, it froze a lot of money for banks to lend out for short-term loans, which in effect halted a lot of the commerce that occurs within the country on a daily basis. The compromise of preventing Behr Stern from going bankrupt by selling their stock shares off to JP Morgan for $2 per share seemed like an extreme measure initially. However after some thought, it was probably the best option for both the company, the economy and the Federal Reserve. While all parties wanted to avoid adverse effects of Behr Stern going bankrupt, selling off the shares for such a low price definitely sent a message that this type of assistance from the Federal Reserve to fix these types of faulty business practices would come with consequences. There was also a lot of criticism towards the idea of giving capital injections to bail out large institutions, such as giving $80 billion to AIG to prevent them from going bankrupt or covering the $30 billion in toxic assets to Behr Stern. I understand the arguments against the idea, however I do not think that some of the arguments were made on fact and were made more on political principle. For example, many in Congress did not want to support the bill to give money to bail out the financial companies because they felt it went against the idea of free and open markets. While giving money to private companies did go against the idea of a free market economy, there were many experts and evidence showing that a bailout

Monday, November 18, 2019

Human Resources Administration Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Resources Administration - Assignment Example The team is also responsible for addressing to the employee grievances, suggestions and administrative challenges. In order for the department to minimize employee strikes and demonstrations, the department needs to open proper channels of communication between the management and employees. The law requires that all employees are entitled to benefits to benefits which include health insurance covers, leave and reasonable salaries. Health insurance covers are particularly important in any job because the employees are exposed to risks. Food servers, for example, may get burnt while carrying the food to the customers incase of spillages. The food Servers deal with different kinds of customers, some may have ill motives causing disturbances in the restaurant resulting to injuries among the employees. Fire outbreaks are common in many restaurants, which normally cause significant loss and damage in terms of property and to the staff. Health covers help the employees gain easy access to medical attention as well as save money. Employers must ensure that they pay their employees well failure to which they face the law. If the employees are not appreciated well through attractive salary package, they will not have the motivation and morale to undertake their duties well. Food servers most of whom leave away from the working station should receive commuter allowance so that they can be at work on time; the organization might not perform well if its employees never report at work on time. The government labor laws require that every employee whether working in government institutions or private companies be awarded leave days. Human resources department should develop a structure which all its staff get off days without interfering with the normal functioning of the organization.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay

Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay IMMUNOLOGY PRATICAL ASSIGNMENT ENZYME LINKED IMMUNOSORBENT ASSAY mODULE NAME: Clinical immunology MODULE NUMBER: APS6004 MODULE LEADER: DR JULIA REY-NORES STUDENT NUMBER: 20031761 BSc (H) BMS 3 2014/2015 Introduction The history of immunoassay was developed by Roalyn Yalow and Solomon Berson in 1950 used the Radio-immunoassay (RIA) and they awarded in 1977 Nobel Prize because they developed RIA to detect and measure the level of glucose in the blood for diabetic patient. However, the technology was build up by replacing the radio-isotopes with enzymes to make colour generation that was in 1960. ]1, 2, 3[ More than 40 years, immunoassays use in different places, like laboratory medicine, hospitals and research to improve the health also for many purposes. In addition, immunoassay use in life science research to study the biology system by chase different, hormones, proteins and antibody. However, it use in industry to detect contaminants in food and water. Also, used as quality control to observe specific molecules used through product processing. ]1[ Nowadays, the immunochemistry technology develops assays to try eliminate as many dilution, mixing and measuring. Immunoassays are technique used to detect specific molecule. It’s rely on the ingrained ability of antibody that are bind to the specific structure of molecules. This techniques are quick and accurate it’s depend on the antibody and antigen that found in the blood and tissue fluids. ]1[ There are many type of immunoassays such as radioimmunoassay (RIA), enzyme immunoassay (EIA), fluorescent immunoassay (FIA), and enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA). ]3,5[ In this report file I will focus on ELISA this technique that I used in the laboratory during two weeks to detect the antibody and the antigen. There is different types of ELISA: Direct ELISA Indirect ELISA Sandwich ELISA Competitive ELISA [3] Direct ELISA This method technique depend on the antigen that coated in the surface of plate and the antibody of the patient and conjugated enzyme. ]5[ Figure 1 shows steps of direct ELISA The indirect ELISA The technique used the micro plate coated with antigen. The primary antibody added to react with the antigen that fixed to the plate. Then washed away. Added enzyme conjugated secondary antibody anti-isotope antibody which binds to the primary antibody. After that washed away and added the substrate enzyme to produce the reaction colour that determined the amount of the antibody. ]3,7[ Figure 2 show the steps of the indirect ELISA Sandwich ELISA Sandwich ELISA is the technique that used to detect the antibody or antigen that are present in the patient blood. This technique also called capture method because it detect level of antigen between two layers of antibodies. The antigen to be measure in the technique should contain at least two antigenic epitope capable of binding antibody. Sandwich ELISA has many advantages for example high specificity, flexibility and sensitivity. ]3,8[ Figure 3 shows the steps of sandwich ELISA The aim of practical: To achieve a grid experimental to detect the optimal detection and capture antibody titration, by using monoclonal mouse anti-rabbit IgG and polyclonal goat anti-rabbit IgG antibodies. To determine the concentration of unknown sample X and Y. Materials: Coating buffer: phosphate buffer saline (PBS) Wash buffer: 0.05% Tween 20 ®in PBS, pH 7.4 Diluent: PBS Blocking solution: 1% (w/v) bovine serum albumin (BSA) in PBS Antigen : rabbit IgG Coating antibody: Mouse anti-rabbit IgG monoclonal antibody Detection antibody :Goat anti-rabbit IgG – peroxidase conjugated Colour reagent .tetramethyl benzidine (TMB) Stop solution (1M HCL) 96-well micro plate Adjustable micropipette Practical week 1 Methods: This step was done by the lab technician to make the 96-well plate coated with antigen ready to the students because it’s take long time. Figure 4 show the rabbit IgG antigen serial dilution by using 100 µl coating buffer Monoclonal and polyclonal antibody procedure in tables 1 and 2: Procedure of Monoclonal antibody Procedure of Polyclonal antibody Added 100 µl of diluents of buffer PBS from column 2-6 in the first plate Added 100 µl of buffer PBS from column 8-12 in the second half of the plate Added 200 µl of monoclonal mouse anti-rabbit IgG from A1well to H1 well Added 200 µl of goat anti-rabbit IgG HRP to column 7 transferred 100 µl by doing serial dilution mixed well from column 1 to columns 2 ,3,4,5,6 then discard 100 µl from well 6 Transferred 100 µl by doing serial dilution from column 7 to columns 8,9,10,11,12 then 100 µl discard from colum12 (mixed well) Covered the plate and incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes. Covered the plate and incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes. Washed the plate three times with wash buffer Washed the plate three times with wash buffer Table 1 The final steps 100 µl of goat anti-mouse IgG-HRP was added to columns 1 to 6 200 µl of goat anti-rabbit IgG-HRP was added to columns 7 to 12 The plate was covered and incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes The plate was washed three times with the washing buffer 100 µl of substrate (TMP) was added to all the columns from 1-12 and incubated at room temperature and the plate was observed to check the change of colour to blue colour. After the colour become blue 50 µl of stop reaction 1 M HCL was added to all wells The colour will change to yellow The result was read by spectrophotometer Table 2 Figure 7 shows steps Week one: result Graph 1 shows the results of mouse anti-rabbit IgG monoclonal antibody titration in different dilution Result Graph 2 shows results of goat anti-rabbit IgG HRP labelled antibody in different dilution Practical week 2 Method: Step done by lab technician coated 20 wells overnight with 100 µl/well of the capture antibody (monoclonal mouse anti-rabbit IgG ) and kept ready for use.( sandwich ELISA) Added 200 µl of rabbit IgG to well A1 and A2 Added 100 µl of PBS diluents to wells from B to H in column 1and 2 From A1, 100 µl rabbit IgG was taken and added to B1 then serial dilution take place up to G1 then 100 µl was discarded from G1 100 µl of rabbit IgG was taken from A2 and added to B2 then continued the serial dilution up to G2 then 100 µl from G2 discarded Well H1 and H2 was used as blank Added 100 µl of unknown sample X to wells (A3 and A4) Added 100 µl of unknown sample Y to wells (B3 and B4) Incubated the plate for 30 minutes at room temperature Washed the plate 3 times with washing buffer PBS Added 100 µl of goat anti-rabbit IgG HRP labelled to all 20 wells Incubated the plate for 30 minutes at room temperature Washed the plate 3 times with Buffer BPS Added 100 µl TMB substrate to all 20 wells Incubated the plate and protected from the light until colour develops Added 50 µl stop reaction with (1 M HCL acid) Read absorbance at 450 nm by spectrophotometer The result: Graph 3 shows standard calibration curve of rabbit IgG Graph 4 shows the equation log of concentration rabbit IgG Calculation of samples Table 3 shows the calculation to found the concentration of samples X and Y Discussion From the result that shows in graph one there are six curves of the monoclonal mouse anti-rabbit IgG with different serious dilutions(1:2000, 1:4000, 1:8000, 1:16000, 1:32000, 1:64000). From my result, the dilution 1:2000 is increase fast and it consumption more antibodies which is not recommended. The best dilution is 1:4000 because it gradually increase with less antibodies and this dilution can detect the lowest concentration of antigen and also can be used for more numbers of samples. However, the dilution 1:8000 it increase but is less than dilution 1:4000 it need more antibody, while the dilutions (1:16000, 1:32000, 1:64000) need more antibodies and not detect antigen in low concentration. The graph 2 shows the result of polyclonal antibody and the graph has sex different curves with different serious dilutions ((1:2000, 1:4000, 1:8000, 1:16000, 1:32000, 1:64000) the first dilution 1:2000 increase sharp until concentration of 1000, then decrease slowly up concentration of 2000 so this dilution not recommended due to over opsonisation of antibodies. The second, dilution 1:4000 increased gradually and it need less antibody and can detect the lowest concentration of antigen so it is the optimum for the goat anti-rabbit IgG HRP labelled antibody. Third dilution 1:8000 is increase slow and require more antibody. The last three dilutions, 1:16000, 1:32000, and 1:64000 are not showing significant elevation when increase the concentration and cannot used because it not detect high absorbance of antigen. The graph 3 shows the calibration curve of the known concentration to determine the concentration of two unknown samples X and Y. the graph 4 shows the equation make by log concentration of calibration curve to calculated the concentration of unknown samples. During this practical I learned a lot of important things such as the best technique to choose the dilution of antibody and antigen detection. Also, to compare between the best antibody to detect antigen. There are many factors that affect the result of ELISA like the incubation time should be 1 hour but we reduced to 30 minutes and this not enough for the reaction take place between antibody and antigen, manual washing cause insufficient washing and mixed with other micro plate wells. The pipettes some time not working due to some problem of tips. Conclusion In conclusion, the optimum monoclonal Mouse anti-rabbit IgG antibody concentration is 1/4000, while the optimum polyclonal Goat anti-rabbit IgG HRP labelled antibody concentration is 1/4000, and the concentration of unknown sample( X )is 287ng/ml and unknown of sample (Y) concentration is 41ng/ml. the ELISA is the best technique to detect the reaction between antibody and antigen. Reference 1-Avrameas, S. (2006). Historical Background of the Invention of EIA and ELISA. Clinical Chemistry, 52(7), pp.1430a-1431. 2Tulsidas G, S. (2002). HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY IN LIFE SCIENCES WITH REFERENCE TO IMMUNOASSAY IN MEDICINE. Health and Population, 3(25), pp.140-147. 3- Owen, J. et al. 2009. Immunology by Kuby. 7th ed. New York: W. H Freeman and Company. 4-Immunochemistry.com, (2014). Apoptosis, Caspases, Assay Development, ELISA Buffers, ELISA Detection. [online] Available at: http://www.immunochemistry.com [Accessed 26 Nov. 2014]. 5-Accelero-bioanalytics.com, (2014). Home Accelero ® Bioanalytics GmbH. [online] Available at: http://www.accelero-bioanalytics.com [Accessed 27 Nov. 2014] 6-Wieslab.com, (2014). Wieslab Laboratory Services Home. [online] Available at: http://www.wieslab.com [Accessed 27 Nov. 2014]. 7-Pharmatutor.org, (2014). Articles | PharmaTutor. [online] Available at: http://www.pharmatutor.org/articles [Accessed 27 Nov. 2014]. 8-Elisa-antibody.com, (2014). ELISA Antibody, protocol and troubleshooting. [online] Available at: http://www.elisa-antibody.com [Accessed 27 Nov. 2014]. Appendix Result week one practical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2.1104 2.1292 1.9613 1.6637 1.3974 1.2574 3.2528 1.8449 0.9561 0.4939 0.2465 0.1338 1.8208 1.5499 1.4053 1.5323 1.0412 0.7042 3.4643 1.5967 0.8303 0.4028 0.2565 0.1613 1.4231 1.3054 0.5794 0.9972 0.8248 0.6163 2.8907 1.313 0.6298 0.3189 0.1761 0.1112 1.0608 0.9475 0.8302 0.6554 0.5236 0.3168 2.2198 1.065 0.5392 0.2867 0.1652 0.1013 0.7257 0.7008 0.6846 0.6725 0.5747 0.5967 1.6108 0.7602 0.6945 0.3432 0.1921 0.1128 0.513 0.4868 0.4624 0.3917 0.4104 0.3967 0.9931 0.5756 0.3218 0.17 0.1043 0.1606 0.3335 0.3444 0.3188 0.3414 0.3042 0.2611 0.6909 0.3377 0.1896 0.1087 0.0786 0.0585 0.0797 0.0856 0.0774 0.0677 0.0772 0.0886 0.1005 0.0566 0.0459 0.0473 0.0498 0.0589 Table 1 shows the result of the absorbance of monoclonal antibody and polyclonal antibody concentration 1/2000 1/4000 1/8000 1/16000 1/32000 1/64000 2000 2.0307 2.0436 1.8839 1.596 1.3202 1.1688 1000 1.7411 1.4643 1.3279 1.4646 0.964 0.6156 500 1.3434 1.2198 0.502 0.9295 0.7476 0.5277 250 0.9811 0.8619 0.7528 0.5877 0.4464 0.2282 125 0.646 0.6152 0.6072 0.6048 0.4975 0.5081 62 0.4333 0.4012 0.385 0.324 0.3332 0.3081 31 0.2538 0.2588 0.2414 0.2737 0.227 0.1725 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 2 the results of the absorbance of monoclonal antibody after subscription of the absorbance from blank concentration 1/2000 1/4000 1/8000 1/16000 1/32000 1/64000 2000 3.1523 1.7883 0.9102 0.4466 0.1967 0.0749 1000 3.3638 1.5401 0.7844 0.3555 0.2067 0.1024 500 2.7902 1.2564 0.5839 0.2716 0.1263 0.0523 250 2.1193 1.0084 0.4933 0.2394 0.1154 0.0424 125 1.5103 0.7036 0.6486 0.2959 0.1423 0.0539 62 0.8926 0.519 0.2759 0.1227 0.0545 0.1017 31 0.5904 0.2811 0.1437 0.0614 0.0288 -0.0004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 3 shows the results of polyclonal antibody after subscription of blank Result of week 2 practical 1 2 3 4 A 0.6084 0.5426 0.4306 0.419 B 0.5699 0.4589 0.2425 0.2505 C 0.5602 0.4504 D 0.5085 0.4093 E 0.4238 0.3164 F 0.3004 0.2355 G 0.1997 0.1794 H 0.1242 0.1093 Table 4 shows the result of rabbit IgG absorbance and two unknown sample Concentration IgG (ng/ml) 1 2 mean mean- blank sample sample mean mean- blank 2000 0.6084 0.5426 0.5755 0.45875 X=0.4306 X=0.419 0.4248 0.308 1000 0.5699 0.4589 0.5144 0.39765 Y=0.2425 Y=0.2505 0.2465 0.1297 500 0.5602 0.4504 0.5053 0.38855 250 0.5085 0.4093 0.4589 0.34215 125 0.4238 0.3164 0.3701 0.25335 62 0.3004 0.2355 0.26795 0.1512 31 0.1997 0.1794 0.18955 0.0728 0 0.1242 0.1093 0.11675 0 Table 5 shows the steps of rabbit IgG and two unknown sample, mean then subscription of blank to make calibration curve and equation to get the concentration of sample X and X Abbreviation RIA Radioimmunoassay EIA Enzyme immunoassay FIA Fluorescent immunoassay ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay PBS Phosphate buffer saline BSA Bovine serum albumin TMB Tetramethyl benzidine HRP Horseradish peroxidase 1M HCL 1 molar of Hydrochloric acid Log Logarithm Y Absorbance IgG immunoglobulin G X Concentration Result ignore

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparing The Perfect Family, The Sanctuary of School, Dog Lab, and Education :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

Comparing The Perfect Family, by Alice Hoffman, The Sanctuary of School, by Lynda Barry, Dog Lab, by Claire McCarthy, and Education by Jake Werner What we learn at home, at school, from our peers, and from entertainment can have great effects throughout our whole entire lives. There is no such thing as a perfect family, human being, or society, yet we are able to live our lives with the enjoyment of peace and harmony. What we see on television may simulate a perfect family, but, of course, not everything we wish to see is true. Not everyone can have the lives that everyone wants. In reading the essays "The Perfect Family" by Alice Hoffman, "The Sanctuary of School" by Lynda Barry, "Dog Lab" by Claire McCarthy, and "Education" by Jake Werner a realization occurred. These authors came down with comparable results. Two authors have similar styles of writing while the others had a contrasting style.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "The Perfect Family" by Alice Hoffman was about how she was faced with the adversity of being raised in a single parent family. She never gave up on believing her mom and herself, which is the reason who she is today. Alice Hoffman had a straight-forward strategy in writing her essay. In her style of writing, she included many details in describing her childhood history. It was from the introductory paragraph where I figured that this story was going to be descriptive in the sense of trying to constrain us by sympathizing with her and other families. In addition, she gave images such as "Roses grew by the front door...We had glass bottles filled with lightning bugs and brand-new swing sets in the backyard, and softball games at dusk."(pg --) Using this type of technique in writing her essay gave a clearer understanding of what she is trying to do. She was setting the table. Also, she gave a brief history of how marriages ar e supposed to be, how divorces are uncommon during that time, and the type of jobs a wife should be committed to. This technique was useful in her essay because if she did not include that history, maybe the reader would not understand the point of writing this essay, or may be confused on what is going on. A historical background can help greatly in helping the reader understand what is going on and can answer some questions to why this essay is being written.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Course Syllabus Essay

Course Description This course examines the history and issues of federal- and state-level crime control initiatives and explores the development of effective anticrime policies. The analysis of contemporary crime control policies is included. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Marion, N. E., & Oliver, W. M. (2006). The public policy of crime and criminal justice. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice Hall. Dunn, W. N. (2008). Public policy analysis: An introduction (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice Hall. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: Public Policy Foundations and Views in Criminal Justice Details Due Points Objectives 1.1 Evaluate the role of the United States constitution in relationship to the development of contemporary criminal justice policy. 1.2 Differentiate between the roles of federal and state government in the development and implementation of criminal justice policy. 1.3 Distinguish between legislatively based policy and administrative regulatory policy as they relate to crime and criminal justice. 1.4 Compare and contrast the rights of the accused with the policy mission of protecting the public from criminal behavior. 1.5 Differentiate between factors that affect criminal justice policy making. Readings Read this week’s Read Me First. Read Ch. 1–3 of The Public Policy of Crime and Criminal Justice. Read Ch. 1 of Public Policy Analysis – An Introduction. Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Read the following documents on the student web page. Learning Team Toolkit Toolkit Essentials Why Learning Teams? Team Basics Getting Started Getting to Results Project Planning Decisions/Conflict Resolution Team Learning Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. 5-13-14 Prior to 6pm Participation Participate in class discussion. 5-13-14 in class 4 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions (Listed at the end of the syllabus). n/a n/a Learning Team Instructions Select Learning Team members who will work together throughout the course. Create a Learning Team Log and a Learning Team Charter. (these must be submitted to the learning team forum no later than 5-20-14 prior to Week 2 class). Review this week’s objectives and those for week two. Review the Learning Team Assignment for week two and begin to outline your first assignment. 5-13-14 in class LTL and LTC 5-20-14 by 6pm Individual Policy Analysis I Paper Choose a current federal, state, or local issue that directly affects public policy pertaining to the criminal justice system. For example: sentencing guidelines, prison overcrowding, medical marijuana, immigration, or police discretion. Prepare a 700-1050-word paper in which you analyze the issue and related policy. Be sure to address to following points in your analysis (see the rubric in the instructor policy document for point distribution and requirements). Be prepared to discuss you paper in class. Describe the issue. Is this policy a regulatory or legislative-initiated policy? Who initiated the issue or policy Is there a constitutional issue How will the issue or policy affect the community, the accused, and the victims Cite your references properly consistent with APA guidelines. A certificate of originality should be submitted with your paper. Please name the paper with your full last name followed by â€Å"week1†: 5-13-14 by 6pm 10 Week Two: Policy Differences in Approach for Policing, Judicial Action, and Correctional Practices Details Due Points Objectives 2 2.1 Differentiate between policy perspectives among the police, courts, and corrections at the federal and state level. 2.2 Analyze the historical evolution of criminal justice policy relating to policing, the courts, and corrections over the past 50 years. 2.3 Identify opportunities for cooperation between elements of the criminal justice system in the implementation of criminal justice policy. Readings Read this week’s Read Me First. Read Ch. 10–12 of The Public Policy of Crime and Criminal Justice. Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. 5-20-14 by 6pm Participation Participate in class discussion. 5-20-14 in class 4 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions (Listed at the end of the syllabus). n/a n/a Nongraded Activities and Preparation Familiarize yourself with the following websites: http://www.crimelibrary.com/ http://www.crimetheory.com/ 5-20-14 by 6pm Learning Team Instructions Review this week’s objectives and discuss additional insights and questions that may have arisen. Submit the Learning Team Log and the Learning Team Charter. Prepare the Learning Team Log. Review the Learning Team Assignment: Historical Policy Comparison. 5-20-14 by 6pm Individual Federal vs. State Policy Comparison Prepare a 1,050-1,750 – word paper in which you compare and contrast the differences and similarities of federal and state government as it pertains to their role in the implementation of criminal justice policies. Be prepared to make a 3-5 minute presentation on your paper in class. You may take one of two approaches. You may identify a single policy/issue and discuss how the state vs. federal government addressed it, for example: states that have legalized marijuana vs. the federal law on marijuana, or Arizona’s immigration laws vs. federal immigration law, or state laws on drug trafficking vs. federal laws on drug trafficking. You must address all aspects of policy development and implementation. Or you may compare and contrast the policy development and implementation process in general, of the state government vs. the federal government. Be sure to address all aspects of policy development and implementation. (See the rubric in the instructor policy document for point distribution and requirements). Identify the criminal justice policy. Identify what roles the state and federal government play in this policy. Identify the similarities and differences. Be sure to address all aspects of policy development and implementation. Cite your references properly consistent with APA guidelines. A certificate of originality should be submitted with your paper. Please name the paper with your full last name followed by â€Å"week2 5-20-14 by 6pm 10 Learning Team Policy Analysis II Paper Prepare a 1,400-2,100-word paper in which you conduct secondary research on the policies of two components of the criminal justice system and describe how these policies affect the operations and decision-making process of the selected two components. Be sure to summarize the policies and analyze their implications for the criminal justice system, including potential effectiveness and limitations. For example, some prosecutor’s offices may have an unwritten policy of avoiding prosecution for possession of small amounts of drugs. How does this affect police operations, arrest rates, and public perceptions of the police? Prepare a 7-10 minute presentation of your paper for class. Properly cite your references consistent with APA guidelines. A certificate of originality should be submitted with your paper along with a learning team evaluation form from each team member. Also go to the learning team  forum and acknowledge your participation. Your assignment WILL NOT be considered complete without all team members finishing these details. Please name the paper with your Learning Group name followed by â€Å"week2†. 5-20-14 by 6pm 10 Week Three: Effective and Ineffective Policy Making in Response to Crime Details Due Points Objectives 3 3.1 Analyze effective and ineffective criminal justice initiatives at the local, state, and federal levels that have had historical significance. 3.2 Discuss goals in the criminal justice system that policy attempts to achieve. Readings Read this week’s Read Me First. Read Ch. 4, 5, 7, & 9 of The Public Policy of Crime and Criminal Justice. Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. 5-27-14 by 6pm Participation Participate in class discussion. 5-27-14 in class 4 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions (Listed at the end of the syllabus). n/a n/a Learning Team Instructions Review this week’s objectives and discuss additional insights and questions that may have arisen. Submit the appropriate completed sections of your Learning Team Logs. Prepare your Learning Team Log. Review the Learning Team Assignment: Budget and Policy Paper. 5-27-14 by 6pm Individual Policy Analysis III—Compare and Contrast Paper Select a policy to analyze. Then, prepare a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper in which you summarize the policy to include how aspects of the conflict and crime control model AND the consensus and due process model impact the effectiveness and/or relevance of the policy. OR, you may compare/contrast two policies, one that illustrates the conflict and crime control model and the other impacted by the consensus and due process model. Be prepared to make a 3-5 minute presentation in class. Address the following questions: Describe the policy/s What role does law enforcement play in these policies? What roles do the prosecutor and courts play in these policies? What role does corrections play in these policies? Is there a difference between federal application and state and local application of policies? Identify elements of both models. What is your opinion of the various policies? Explain in detail How can we measure the effectiveness of these policies? Cite your references properly consistent with APA guidelines. A certificate of originality should be submitted with your paper. Please name the paper with your full last name followed by â€Å"week3†. 5-27-14 by 6pm 10 Learning Team Historical Policy Comparison Prepare a 1050-1400-word paper in which you conduct a comparative analysis of the evolution of criminal justice policy over the last 50 years for each of the three areas in criminal justice. In your comparative analysis address  the areas of policing, the courts, and corrections and identify the various opportunities for cooperation between elements of the criminal justice system in the implementation of criminal justice policy? Examples include the evolution of DUI enforcement, the evolution of the use of forensic evidence (trace evidence, DNA), the evolution of witness identification, or the evolution of sex crimes enforcement and punishment) Prepare a 7-10 minute team presentation to be given in class. Cite your references properly consistent with APA guidelines. A certificate of originality should be submitted with your paper along with a learning team evaluation form from each team member. Also go to the learning team forum and acknowledge your participation. Your assignment WILL NOT be considered complete without all team members finishing these details. Please name the paper with your Learning Group name followed by â€Å"week3†. 5-27-14 by 6pm 10 Week Four: Political Impacts upon Criminal Justice Policy Details Due Points Objectives 4 4.1 Determine the impact of politics on the budgetary process. 4 .2 Evaluate the relationship between fiscal resources and the development and implementation of criminal justice policy. Readings Read this week’s Read Me First. Read Ch. 6 of Public Policy Analysis – An Introduction. Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings Participation Participate in class discussion. 6-3-14 in class 4 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions (Listed at the end of the syllabus). n/a n/a Learning Team Instructions Review this week’s objectives and discuss additional insights and questions that may have arisen. Submit the appropriate completed sections of your Learning Team Logs. Prepare your Learning Team Log. 6-3-14 by 6pm Learning Team Budget and Policy Paper Select a policy issue from the following list: DUI task forces Plea bargaining Offender reentry/integration Victim assistance Immigration War on drugs War on terrorism Prepare a 1,400-1,750-word paper in which you: Summarize the goals in the criminal justice system that your selected policy attempts to achieve. Analyze the effective and ineffective initiatives associated with your selected policy Identify any historical significance that may have impact. Cite your references properly consistent with APA guidelines. A certificate of originality should be submitted with your paper along with a learning team evaluation form from each team member. Also go to the learning team forum and acknowledge your participation. Your assignment WILL NOT be  considered complete without all team members finishing these details. Please name the paper with your Learning Group name followed by â€Å"week4†. 6-3-14 by 6pm 10 Week Five: Globalization of Criminal Justice Policy Details Due Points Objectives 5 5.1 Explain the globalization of criminal justice policy in relationship to contemporary issues. 5.2 Predict the effects of globalization on the development of criminal justice policy in the future. Readings Read this week’s Read Me First. Read Ch. 4 of Public Policy Analysis – An Introduction. Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. 6-10-14 by 6pm Participation Participate in class discussion. 6-10-14 in class 4 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions (Listed at the end of the syllabus). 6-10-14 by 6pm n/a Learning Team Instructions Submit your Learning Team Log. Submit your Learning Team Evaluation. Each team member must submit a separate copy to the instructor. 6-10-14 by 6pm Individual Policy Development Paper Select one of the following topics for your paper in which you will develop your own policy to address your chosen issue: Community-Oriented Policing Terrorism–Security Policy for Large Events Leave Policy for officers to work with governments in foreign countries Domestic Violence Policy Elder Abuse Policy Human Trafficking Policy Sex Trafficking Organized Crime Policy Cyberspace/Technology Policy Educational and Training Policy for officers, mid-level managers and executives Reducing prison overcrowding Prepare a 2,100-2,800- word paper in which you research the relevant statistics, facts, resources, and public opinions to develop your own local, statewide, or federal policy recommendation related to the topic you selected. Be prepared to make a7-10 minute presentation on your paper, to include a PowerPoint, outlining your paper and its significant policy recommendation. (If you have a topic in mind that isn’t listed consult your instructor.) You must Include: Your specific identified policy recommendation/s and/or proposal – what is it, and is it city, state, federal? What is the rationale for the proposal or recommendation – why is it relevant and important? What is the impact on contemporary criminal justice issues? What will the impact be in the context of globalization? Your stakeholders and their positions and opinions (politicians judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys, correctional officers, law enforcement  officers/administrators, victims, advocates, and many others) Statistical, factual, public opinion and historical information, which supports your policy claim Obstacles and support for your policy Politics that may impact your policy and how you might address this Cite your references properly consistent with APA guidelines. A certificate of originality should be submitted with your paper. Please name the paper with your last name followed by â€Å"week5†. Note. In addition to the University Library, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service has many articles reflecting contemporary criminal justice policies. http://www.ncjrs.gov 6-10-14 by 6pm 20 14 points on the paper, 6 points on the PP presentation Optional Discussion Questions Week One Discussion Questions What are the steps of developing a policy within the criminal justice arena? How does the United States constitution impact the development of criminal justice policy? Is there a better way in which policy can be developed? Explain. What is the role of state government in criminal justice policy development and implementation? How does the role of the federal government differ from that of state government? What changes would you recommend that would improve the overall process of criminal justice policy development and implementation? What is a legislatively based policy? What is an administrative regulatory policy? How do these various policies impact the criminal justice system?  Compare and contrast the criteria for these two policy types and their impact within the criminal justice system. Explain your answer. What are the rights of the accused? How are these rights affected with regard to the policy mission of protecting the public? What would happen if these rights were not upheld? Explain. What items affect the development criminal justice policy? How are these items addressed and overcome during the development process? What changes to the process would you recommend to improve policy development. Week Two Discussion Questions What is an example of a policy within the courts, police, and corrections at the state level? What is the difference between policy among the courts, police, and corrections at the federal level? Is there a better solution to the way in which these groups approach policy development at a state and/or federal level? Explain. What is the historical evolution of policy within the criminal justice system? How has the approach to policy within the criminal justice system changed over the last 50 years? Compare and contrast the criteria of early criminal justice policy and current criminal justice policy. What is the definition of policy implementation? How can policy implementation improve for better cooperation within the various elements of the criminal justice system? What opportunities for improvement would you recommend for successful policy implementation? Week Three Discussion Questions What are effective criminal justice initiatives at the state level? What are effective criminal justice initiatives at the federal level? How have historical initiatives impacted the criminal justice system currently? Is there a better way to improve criminal justice initiatives at the local,  state, and federal levels? Explain? What are the goals of policy within the criminal justice system? How do these goals contribute to success? How can the goals of a policy be improved to be more effective? Explain. Week Four Discussion Questions What is an example of politics as it relates to budgetary initiatives in criminal justice? How do politics impact budgetary processes? What would happen if politics were more/less involved in the process? Explain. What resources are associated with criminal justice policy development? How do these resources impact the development of criminal justice policy development? How can we improve the relationship between fiscal resources and the development/implementation of criminal justice policy? What are your recommendations? Week Five Discussion Questions What is the impact of globalization on criminal justice policy? How does this affect the development of criminal justice policy? What changes to global criminal justice policy would you suggest/recommend? What are current/contemporary issues that affect criminal justice policy? How do these issues relate to the overall development/implementation of policy? What would happen if globalization wasn’t considered when developing/implementing criminal justice policy? Explain.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free Essays on Working And Non-working Students

Working and Non-working Students â€Å"Working and not working†¦ Very different or not really?† This is one example of the questions we ask ourselves when referring to one of the many discussed subjects related with education: the difference between working and non-working students to finance their own education. Though, I’ll limit myself on focusing only on three differences. Students who work to finance their education differ from the ones who don’t in studying, when it comes to availability, concentration, and economic situation. Students who work to finance their education don’t have as much time to study as students who don’t. Working students have more limited free hours. For example, back in Portugal where I used to live, I had a friend who worked many hours so she’d always be late for classes; consequently, besides not having all the notes, it was difficult for her to catch up because of the lack of time. Another example of the way working limits the time availability is how whenever I called this friend of mine to go out and spend some time with her, by going to the movies, walk on the park or even just go to the coffee shop in the same street in front of her five floors building where she lived to have some â€Å"girl talk† and the chocolate round and with sprinkles cake that she loved so much or ice-cream, she could never go. On the phone by the sound of her low, tired, and calm voice, I could perceive how much she really wanted to go out with me, but couldn’t becaus e she had to study or was possibly working at the time. On the other hand, students who don’t work to finance their education have more and enough time to study. For instance, I don’t work to finance my education and that gives me enough time to organize my study material, clarify my questions that I might have and be well prepared for tests. Furthermore, I remember when I was in Portugal last year I used to have classes every day from 8:00 a.m... Free Essays on Working And Non-working Students Free Essays on Working And Non-working Students Working and Non-working Students â€Å"Working and not working†¦ Very different or not really?† This is one example of the questions we ask ourselves when referring to one of the many discussed subjects related with education: the difference between working and non-working students to finance their own education. Though, I’ll limit myself on focusing only on three differences. Students who work to finance their education differ from the ones who don’t in studying, when it comes to availability, concentration, and economic situation. Students who work to finance their education don’t have as much time to study as students who don’t. Working students have more limited free hours. For example, back in Portugal where I used to live, I had a friend who worked many hours so she’d always be late for classes; consequently, besides not having all the notes, it was difficult for her to catch up because of the lack of time. Another example of the way working limits the time availability is how whenever I called this friend of mine to go out and spend some time with her, by going to the movies, walk on the park or even just go to the coffee shop in the same street in front of her five floors building where she lived to have some â€Å"girl talk† and the chocolate round and with sprinkles cake that she loved so much or ice-cream, she could never go. On the phone by the sound of her low, tired, and calm voice, I could perceive how much she really wanted to go out with me, but couldn’t becaus e she had to study or was possibly working at the time. On the other hand, students who don’t work to finance their education have more and enough time to study. For instance, I don’t work to finance my education and that gives me enough time to organize my study material, clarify my questions that I might have and be well prepared for tests. Furthermore, I remember when I was in Portugal last year I used to have classes every day from 8:00 a.m...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

95 Essays - Rationalists, Epistemology

Descartes Vs. Berkeley 03/05/95 Essays - Rationalists, Epistemology Descartes vs. Berkeley 03/05/95 In Descartes' First Meditation, Descartes writes that he has come to the conclusion that many of the opinions he held in his youth are doubtful, and consequently all ideas built upon those opinions are also doubtful. He deduces that he will have to disprove his current opinions and then construct a new foundation of knowledge if he wants to establish anything firm and lasting in the sciences that is absolutely true. But rather than disprove each of his opinions individually, Descartes attacks the principles that support everything he believes with his Method of Doubt. The Method of Doubt is Descartes' method of fundamental questioning in which he doubts everything that there is the slightest reason to doubt. It should be mentioned that Descartes does not necessarily believe that everything he doubts is true. He does believe, however, that whatever can not be doubted for the slightest reason must be true. Descartes spends Meditation One trying to disprove his fundamental beliefs. First, Descartes doubts that his senses are generally trustworthy because they are occasionally deceitful (eg. a square tower may look round from far away). Also, because he realizes that there are no definitive signs for him to distinguish being awake from being asleep, he concludes that he can not trust his judgement to tell him whether he is awake or asleep. But asleep or awake, arithmetic operations still yield the same answer and the self-preservation instinct still holds. To disprove these, Descartes abandons the idea of a supremely good God like he has believed in all his life and supposes an evil genius, all-powerful and all-clever, who has directed his entire effort at deceiving Descartes by putting ideas into Descartes' head. With these three main doubts, each progressively more broad, Descartes finally is satisfied that he has sufficiently disproved his previous opinions. He now is ready to build a new foundation of knowledge of a physical world (the real world) based on what must absolutely be true. Berkeley, however, would argue that Descartes is wasting his time by trying to discover what must be absolutely true in the real world. In his Dialogue One, Berkeley argues that there is no real world, and that all sensible objects (those which can be immediately perceived) exist only in the mind. He starts by proving that secondary (extrinsic) qualities exist only in the mind by use of the Relativity of Perception Argument. As an example, Berkeley writes that if you make one of your hands hot and the other cold, and put them into a vessel of water, the water will seem cold to one hand and warm to the other. Since the water can not be warm and cold at the same time, it must follow that heat (a secondary quality) must only exist in the mind. Berkeley also uses the qualities of taste, sound, and color as examples to prove that all secondary qualities must reside in the mind. However, Berkeley also says the same argument can be applied to primary (intrinsic) qualities. He writes that to a mite, his own foot might seem a considerable dimension, but to smaller creatures, that same foot might seem very large. Since an object can not be different sizes at the same time, it follows that extension must exist only in the mind. Further, since all other primary characteristics can not be separated from extension, they too must exist only in the mind. An interesting aspect of Descartes' Dualistic view and Berkeley's Idealistic view is the necessity of God. Descartes needs an all-good non-deceiving God to insure that the ideas of primary qualities of objects he perceives in his mind accurately represent those qualities of objects in the external world. In the Third Meditation, Descartes says that God is infinite and finite is the lack of infinite. Infinite, he says, is NOT the lack of finite. Since our concept of the infinite could not have come from the concept of the finite (since infinite is not the lack of finite), the idea of infinite could only have come from God. This proof is shaky at best. Berkeley, on the other hand, needs God to give us the ideas of the objects we see since there is no physical world to draw those ideas from through the senses. But rather than proving God to prove his philosophy, Berkeley uses his philosophy as the proof of God's existence. In his Second Dialogue, Berkeley says God must exist to put the same real ideas into everybody's minds because minds cannot interact directly. However, if it were the case that God did